Tutorial Guide

3 New Method To Make Money On Dataway.ng Fast and Withdraw

Dataway is 5 months old today 15th November 2021. I just want to remind you that the platform is still running smoothly and growing bigger with almost 200k user progress that cannot be wrong.


There has been a lot of improvement so far including three legitimate options to make money on the platform,


3 Ways To Make Money on DataWay 


You can be an affiliate to earn daily commission of 1k + 1GB data. 30 to 100k monthly earning is sure if you are serious. Also getting free data daily is supper awesome.


You can be a reseller to keep selling data, airtime and bill payment to earn profit. You could be making 50 to 100k monthly as a reseller too.


If you are a money gengs, who don’t want to work as an affiliate or a reseller, you can now save some money with Dataway and earn more.


They have created an option for people to keep money with them, they will use your money to trade airtime and data business as they are currently doing while you earn monthly interest as profit share. Wow 👏


Lastly, insider has just confirmed to me that official app will be released towards end of the month to new month including WordPress plugin and some other goodies. Another wow right?


Guys if you are not doing Dataway, weting you gain? Join use my link now https://dataway.ng/a/ejo


Good News!



According to Paul Sampson founder of NNU state that.


“I am now using Moolatask and NNU pending earning to create account for interested users. If you have pending earnings on those my platforms and already using Dataway I will convert your pending earning to data on your dataway account”.


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